Wordless Wednesday-Wings on Wednesday

Common Pauraque, Estero Llano Grande State Park, Weslaco, Texas

Common Pauraque, Estero Llano Grande State Park, Weslaco, Texas

Common Pauraque, Estero Llano Grande State Park, Weslaco, Texas

Common Pauraque, Estero Llano Grande State Park, Weslaco, Texas birds

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Filed under Texas birds

20 responses to “Wordless Wednesday-Wings on Wednesday

  1. It is amazing how these nighthawk type birds can camoflage themselves so well.. Great shots, Linda.

  2. cindy

    Gorgeous Linda! Hope you are having a great time!

    • Thank you Cindy. I wish you could see these birds up close so that you could see how truly beautiful they are. I’m having a fabulous time! Thanks for asking. 🙂

  3. What an interesting bird. Nice close-ups, Linda.

    • Thanks Scott. My photos do not begin to convey the beauty of the plumage or how sweet and vulnerable these birds look sleeping on the ground. It was a treat to see these beauties!

  4. Super photos Linda! They are like our Nightjars, odd birds, beautiful plumage 🙂

    • Thanks Lisa. Yes, they are nightjars, and they are gorgeous. I was so fortunate to see them. I was fortunate to be there with Marsha Kraus Fulton, who knows where they are. Thanks to Marsha!!

  5. Great images really showing their cryptic coloration!

  6. Awesome captures! I don’t even know how your found this cool bird with its fabulouos camouflage colors. I would love to see one. Terrific shots!

    • Thank you Julie. I would never have found them without the help of Marsha Kraus Fulton, who is familiar with the area. You would probably step on one before you saw it, as their camouflage is amazing. I feel incredibly privileged to have seen them. 🙂

  7. WOW!! These are hard to find!! Great work!

    • Thank you Cindy. I was so fortunate to meet a Twitter/Facebook friend who is familiar with the area. I assure you that I would never have found them without Marsha’s assistance!

  8. Kay

    Great photos! It’s good to have you at the festival (I’ve been helping with registration). Have fun the restof the weekend.)

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