Monthly Archives: December 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Wings on Wednesday

Erckel's Francolin, Pu'u o Kila Lookout, Pihea Trailhead, Koke'e State Park, Kaua'i.

Erckel's Francolin, Pu'u o Kila Lookout, Pihea Trailhead, Koke'e State Park, Kaua'i.

Erckel's Francolin, Pu'u o Kila Lookout, Pihea Trailhead, Koke'e State Park, Kaua'i.

Erckel's Francolin, Pu'u o Kila Lookout, Pihea Trailhead, Koke'e State Park, Kaua'i.

Sign at Pu'u o Kila Lookout, Pihea Trailhead, Koke'e State Park, Kaua'i.

View from Pu'u o Kila Lookout, Pihea Trailhead, Koke'e State Park, Kaua'i.

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Filed under Kaua'i Birds

Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge

On Wednesday we drove up north again, past Hanalei to Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, the northernmost point on Kaua’i. We were looking forward to seeing frigates, albatrosses, and other birds as well as perhaps getting glimpses of whales. We were not disappointed.

Nene were everywhere, and we were able to get good looks at their feet, which are less webbed than those of other geese and which have claws for climbing on the lava rock.

Nene, Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii

Nene, Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, showing detail of feet.

The first thing we noticed were trees full of Red-footed Boobies.

Red-footed Boobies, Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

Red-footed Boobies, Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge.

Despite their name, these birds are beautiful and graceful in flight.

Red-footed Booby, Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

Red-footed Booby flies overhead at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge.


Red-footed Boobies in flight, Kilauea Point NWR, Kauai, Hawaii.

A pair of Red-footed Boobies in flight, Kilauea Point NWR.

The huge Great Frigatebirds were amazing to watch as they flew overhead.

Great Frigatebird in flight, Kilauea Point NWR, Kauai, Hawaii.

Great Frigatebird Kilauea Point NWR.

Great Frigatebird in flight, Kilauea Point NWR, Kauai, Hawaii.

Great Frigatebird, another view.

Great Frigatebird in flight, Kilauea Point NWR, Kauai, Hawaii.

Great Frigatebird in flight, viewed from above.

We watched a flying duel between a Red-footed Booby and a Great Frigatebird.

Great Frigatebird and Red-footed Booby duel near Kilauea Point at Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

Great Frigatebird and Red-footed Booby duel near Kilauea Point.

Great Frigatebird and Red-footed Booby duel near Kilauea Point at Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

The duel continues.

Great Frigatebird and Red-footed Booby duel near Kilauea Point at Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

The frigate chases the booby back to the safety of the flock.

We saw many Laysan Albatross, but they fly so quickly that I was not able to get a good image of one. They look like flying tanks.
Laysan Albatross at Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

Laysan Albatross

We were able to see migrating Humpback Whales off the point, but they were fairly far away.

Migrating Humpback Whale off Kilauea Point at Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii.

There's a whale there. Really.

We saw many more whales and other sea mammals on our catamaran outing the next day.

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Filed under Kaua'i Birds, Kaua'i Sea Mammals

Wordless Wednesday-Wings on Wednesday

Nene seen near Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii

Nene seen near Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii

Nene seen near Lihue, Kaua'i, Hawai'i

Nene family seen near Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii

Nene family seen near Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii

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Filed under Kaua'i Birds

Kaua’i Beach Chickens

For various reasons my son Eric and I decided to avoid the entire idea of Christmas this year. We decided that a complete change of scenery would be a good way to accomplish our goal. When I considered Kaua’i I envisioned beautiful flowers and white sand beaches. They are here, and they are lovely. What I did not envision was the abundance of feral chickens. The locals find them annoying, but Eric and I think they’re delightful. Here are some local residents:

Feeding Frenzy at Po'ipu Beach Park

Feeding Frenzy at Po'ipu Beach Park

Feral chickens at Po'ipu Beach Park.

Someone failed to notice the "Do Not Feed the Animals" sign!

Feral beach chickens at Po'ipu beach.

Beach Chickens!

Feral beach chicken at Po'ipu beach.

A Lovely Hen, with Friends.

Feral rooster at Koloa.

A Very Handsome Rooster.

Feral beach chickens at Po'ipu beach.

Mom and the Kids.

Feral beach chicken at Po'ipu beach.

A Little Peeper.

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Filed under Kaua'i Birds

Wordless Wednesday-Wings on Wednesday

Common Raven, Chaco Culture NHP, New Mexico.

Common Raven, Chaco Culture NHP, New Mexico.

Common Raven, Chaco Culture NHP, New Mexico.

Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Culture NHP, New Mexico.

Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Culture NHP, New Mexico.

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Filed under New Mexico birds

Wordless Wednesday-Wings on Wednesday

Western Scrub Jay, Corrales, New Mexico

Western Scrub Jay, Corrales, New Mexico

Western Scrub Jay, Corrales, New Mexico

Western Scrub Jay, Corrales, New Mexico

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Filed under Corrales birds, New Mexico birds