A Handsome Bird at The Biggest Week

As I went about reviewing and organizing my photos from The Biggest Week in American Birding, I realized that I neglected to mention one of the stars, for me, of The Biggest Week. One evening as I was returning from Magee Marsh, I came upon a very beautiful Trumpeter Swan on the levee road. Unlike my usual experience with swans, mostly involving distant observations, this one was right next to the road, and he proceeded to put on a show for an admiring audience. Here are some of my favorite photos:

The Biggest Week in American Birding

The Biggest Week in American Birding

The Biggest Week in American Birding

The Biggest Week in American Birding

The Biggest Week in American Birding

The Biggest Week in American Birding

The Biggest Week in Amercan Birding

The Biggest Week in American Birding

Here is a short video of the swan. What a show off!

Note: The heads and necks of Trumpeter Swans are often stained a rusty color from contact with ferrous minerals in the soils of wetland bottoms during feeding.


Filed under Ohio bird photography, The Biggest Week in American Birding

11 responses to “A Handsome Bird at The Biggest Week

  1. A rare moment to watch to watch so closely, and a memorable one spent with you at the Biggest Week. He was a breathtaking sight.

  2. cindy

    A beautiful bird & super photo essay.. thanks for explaing the color of the neck!…

  3. He’s quite the little contortionist, isn’t he? Great video, Linda!

  4. lizzie

    He is ABSOLUTELY SPLENDID, Linda – such a showoff, inndeed 🙂 I watched the video several time because he is so lithe and beautiful .. but also to hear the wonderful wetland sounds…. must have been very peaceful….

    • Thank you for your very kind comments Lizzie! Magee Marsh is truly a lovely place, particularly during spring migration. Peaceful, beautiful and right on Lake Erie. You really should go there to see for yourself. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Birding Sandia Crest with Linda Rockwell

  6. Wonderful images of this big, white and beautiful swan!

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