Kaua’i Beach Chickens

For various reasons my son Eric and I decided to avoid the entire idea of Christmas this year. We decided that a complete change of scenery would be a good way to accomplish our goal. When I considered Kaua’i I envisioned beautiful flowers and white sand beaches. They are here, and they are lovely. What I did not envision was the abundance of feral chickens. The locals find them annoying, but Eric and I think they’re delightful. Here are some local residents:

Feeding Frenzy at Po'ipu Beach Park

Feeding Frenzy at Po'ipu Beach Park

Feral chickens at Po'ipu Beach Park.

Someone failed to notice the "Do Not Feed the Animals" sign!

Feral beach chickens at Po'ipu beach.

Beach Chickens!

Feral beach chicken at Po'ipu beach.

A Lovely Hen, with Friends.

Feral rooster at Koloa.

A Very Handsome Rooster.

Feral beach chickens at Po'ipu beach.

Mom and the Kids.

Feral beach chicken at Po'ipu beach.

A Little Peeper.

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Filed under Kaua'i Birds

13 responses to “Kaua’i Beach Chickens

  1. Yeah, who would have thunk it? 🙂 Cool!

  2. Love this post! Sounds like the perfect get away…hope you and Eric have a nice time!

  3. Hi Linda,
    have a wonderful time in Hawaii. Hope its warm. Its cold and rainy here in Australia. doh!

    nice chooks. do they go surfing?


  4. Good ol’ Hawaiian Jungle Fowl! I remember them on Oahu at a Botanical Garden. While not native, they are wild and self-sustaining and I counted them on my life list!

  5. Terri

    I LOVE these pics and the sight of chickens and roosters on the beach. The colors are explosive! Woohoo for the tropics, Linda and getting yourself and Eric the heck out of brown, cold ‘dodge’. Now I’m waiting to see Eric’s inspired photographs with a different color palette…:-)

  6. Great photos – each one a favourite! What a wonderful way to spend time together!

  7. We found the same critters at Key West earlier this year, and yes, I have lots of chicken pictures too – a bird’s a bird! Hope you and Eric have a wonderful break down there.

    Freezing my a$$ off in Canada…

  8. Wonderful post! Chickens at the beach? I’ve never seen such a thing. What fun! The roosters look painted. Love the little ones. Enjoy your vacation in Hawaii! Looking forward to future posts.

  9. Great post, Linda. Kaua’i is my favorite of the islands and I, too, love the junglefowl. They are my spark bird – It was on a trip to Hawai’i many years ago that I tried to figure out what they were. Next thing you know I’m buying a bird guide and the rest is history.

    Have a lovely, restful, and restoring time.

    Best regards and wishes for the new year.

  10. Howdee Rocky…Hope you have a wonderful time! Dont eat chicken..you may be eating one of these beauties.

  11. Anyone want to guess why there are only 1 or two rooster per 10-16 hens?
    Mature cocks naturally fight to the death upon being challenged.

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